Lava flour

6,0022,50 inc. BTW

Lava flour improves the structure and health of your soil

Lava flour is finely ground volcanic rock. It is rich in silicon in well-absorbable form for plants. Silicon increases the resistance of the crop and to drought, diseases and pests. In addition to Silicon, it contains 83 other minerals that together improve the fertility and health of your soil.

Together with organic matter from, for example, compost or worm droppings, lava flour ensures a good granular soil structure. As a result, clay soil becomes rougher and allows the water to pass through better. Sandy soil can retain nutrients and water better and peat soil is stabilized against degradation.

To be used for

  • Weed control (helps well against moss and horsesaus, read more in this blog)
  • Pest control (snails, lice, spreading over wet leaves)
  • Natural fertilization (wet spraying after sprinkling or covering with worm manure)
  • Diseases (spraying against fungal disease on boxwood)
  • Soil structure improvement (mixing with worm manure)
  • Control of fruit flies in your worm box (see this article)
  • Improve the health of your compost worms and the quality of your worm compost.
SKU: FF Lavameel Categories: , ,


How much lava flour do you need?

Unlike with fertilizer, you cannot quickly add too much lava flour, because the minerals are only released slowly. The table below is a guideline.

100 grams per 1 m2 Garden
200 grams per 1 m2 Vegetable garden
200 grams per 1 m2 Grass
200-500 grams per 1 m2 Greenhouse horticulture
400 grams per 1 m2 Fruit growing
5 to 20 kilos per1 m3

Substrate culture

50 grams per1 m2

Control Aphid, fungi

Product composition

Silica S i02 40-45
Alumina Al203 11-15
Calcium oxide Ca0 10-15
Iron oxide Fe203 10-12
Magnesium oxide Mg0 2,9-7,1
Carbon dioxide CO2 1
Titanium dioxide Ti02 2-3
Phosphorus pentoxide P205. 0,4-0,8
Sulphur dioxide S03. 0,06-0,07
Chlorine Sl 0,1
Potassium oxide K20. 2,9-5,0
Sodium oxide Na02 4
Copper CU 28-50mg/kg.
Nickel Ni 60-71mg/kg.
Chromium Cr approx.115mg/kg.
Zinc Zn 50-60mg/kg.
Boron B 13-17mg/kg.
Cobalt CO 28-32mg/kg.
Selenium Se approx.20mg/kg.


Additional information

Weight N/A

1,2kg, 3 kg, 6 kg, 12 kg, 20 kg


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