What is mulching?
Mulching is covering the earth with material. At first, you do it to prevent dehydration. You can use anything for this. From pebbles to dry leaves.
Why mulch?
Your mulch layer protects the earth from the sun’s radiation and prevents evaporation. So you save water and protect your plants from drying out.
Mulching with organic material has the advantage that you immediately improve the soil. Over time, the mulch layer will compost and the worms will spread the material for you through the soil. That nourishes your plants and increases the moisture-absorbing capacity of the soil.
What mulching with?
As mentioned: preferably choose organic material. Think of:
- dry leaves
- straw
- cocoa shells
- wood chips
- grass clippings
Mulching in the Balkonton
On windy and sunny days it can happen that the water evaporates so quickly that the top of your Balkonton is fairly dry, while it is still moist enough at the bottom. Watering is not wise: after all, it sinks down so that the plants get wet feet at the bottom. Mulching is a better solution. Of course, cover the top of your Balkonton. But don’t forget the pockets on the sides. You notice the difference after just one day.